
Social ties

9 July 2021

How do different types of social ties affect grassroots crisis response emergence and success?



  1. Charlotte Monteil, Post-doc researcher at LAGAM, Université de Montpellier, France
  2. Eric C Jones, Assistant Professor of Social Epidemiology, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston School of Public Health
  3. Louise K. Comfort, Faculty Affiliate, Policy Lab, CITRIS, University of California, Berkeley
    Professor, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh
  4. Michelle Meyer, Director and Associate Professor, Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center at Texas A&M University
  5. Heather McIlvaine-Newsad, Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Anthropology Program, Western Illinois University
  6. Zeno Franco, Associate Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin


  1. Susanne Jul, Founder & Driving Force, Creative Crisis Leadership
  2. Yiyuan Jasmine Qin, Co-Founder + Director, re+connect

Session recording

About participating

What to expect

The session will be divided into four parts: Introductions, Discussion, Review, and Wrap-up. A moderator will be on hand to deliver introductions, help keep the conversation moving, and lead the review. A notetaker will be taking notes, to which participants are welcome to contribute.

After the session, we will share a list of participants and their contact information, a transcript of the session, and the session recording. You should review the recording, and let us know if there are sections you feel should be redacted before public release. You will also be invited to help prepare the discussion summary. Finally, we will ask for your feedback on the roundtable so we can improve the experience for future participants.

Recording agreement

By participating, you grant permission for Creative Crisis Leadership and re+connect to

  • Record audio and video of the session
  • Make session recordings and transcripts publicly available
  • Publish your name, title, and affiliation as a participant

Intellectual property policy

This is a free exchange of ideas. We encourage participants to build on each others’ ideas, both during and after the discussion. Authors retain rights to materials authored after the discussion, but are expected to acknowledge the contributing role of Research Roundtable discussions and individual participants when appropriate. 

Creative Crisis Leadership and re+connect retain ownership of session materials, including recordings and reports. Participants are granted the right to use redacted versions of these materials, with attribution.


  1. Adrian

    Hi, It looks like the link to the ref: Felder, Maxime. “Strong, weak and invisible ties
    is the wrong one.


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