Pilot events
Testing, testing
How do we know what works?
Neighborhood earthquake popup
To test our flagship learning experience, we gather a group of neighbors and have them work through a series of the challenges they might face in the week immediately following a catastrophic earthquake. The action takes place in their own homes and around the neighborhood. They have only the resources and people that are actually available. After the simulation, participants have time to discuss insights, share hopes and disappointments, celebrate discovery of hidden strengths, and cement new relationships with each other.
Pilot events
Date | Event | Location | Report |
2020-10-24 | Virtual neighborhood earthquake | Zoom | Virtual pilot report |
2017-11-11 | Ross Ct popup | Palo Alto CA | Ross Ct popup report |
2017-05-20 | Pepper/Olive popup | Palo Alto CA | Pepper/Olive popup report |