9 Burning Truths
For the 2024 holiday season, we bring you 9 Burning Truths for Wildfire Safety.
9 Burning Truths for Wildfire Safety

Burning Truth #4: It’s the embers that will get you
This little ember went to your attic. This little ember flew into your house. This little ember had a pile of leaves under your porch. This little ember had none. This little ember cried "Wee! Wee! Wee!" as it burned down your home. Yes, it's the embers from a...

Burning Truth #5: You can control the fire’s path to your home
Imagine that you are a raging wildfire, looking for things to consume. Up ahead you see some mouthwatering homes. You throw some embers at them to see what you might catch. One lands in some tasty dry mulch. You munch along that and to a delicious wooden fence....

Burning Truth #6: A bit of smoke and ash CAN hurt you
Imagine coming home after a wildfire has passed. The air is still hazy with smoke. Everything is covered with ash, inside and out. You're eager to start the cleanup, and so you arm yourself with a broom and good intentions. "Just a couple quick sweeps and my...

Burning Truth #7: Preparing for disaster is a process
We've all seen the images: Long lines of traffic moving in one direction, families tossing belongings into the car, fleeing in the face of a raging wildfire, a devastating hurricane, or rising floodwaters. What if that was you? Imagine that a wildfire is coming, and...

Burning Truth #8: Good information can be hard to come by
Truth #8: Good information can be hard to come by Imagine that your phone alerts you that a wildfire has started, not so far away. When you look out the window, you notice the orange sky is getting darker with smoke and ash. Now you’re getting nervous. Is the fire...

Burning Truth #9: You may be away from home for 4 weeks. Or more.
Imagine that you’ve just learned that a wildfire is approaching your home. You are under an Evacuation Warning, meaning that you need to be ready to leave at a moment’s notice. Then, tomorrow, you receive an Evacuation Order, meaning that you need to leave...

Truth #1
Not yet! Come back tomorrow! In the meantime, stay safe, have fun, and consider making a donation to make preparing for disaster fun and empowering!

Truth #2
Not yet! Come back tomorrow! In the meantime, stay safe, have fun, and consider making a donation to make preparing for disaster fun and empowering!

Truth #3
Not yet! Come back tomorrow! In the meantime, stay safe, have fun, and consider making a donation to make preparing for disaster fun and empowering!